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Cold Weather Conditions and Your Horse’s Health

Horses are know for their ability to acclimate to cold temperatures very well. However, to assure your equines get through the winter with fewer problems and remain healthy, you must keep them warm and safe. 

It is important to take precautionary measures to protect the horses form severe weather conditions without causing an adverse, overwhelming effect. 

Below are tips that will help you prepare your horse for the winter season:

Increase in Food Proportion

The critical temperature below which a horse requires additional energy to maintain body warmth is approximately 18F. Increasing the amount of hay and grains in their food along with equine probiotics will keep horses well fed and make them burn more calories to maintain proper core body temperature. 

A veterinarian can tell you the exact amount of food which is required for your horse, as it varies for ever breed, age and size. 

If greater portion of food is not given to the horse during the winter, it will end up losing weight. Increasing the amount of vitamins and nutrients in their seasonal diet will not only keep the body weight normal, but assist them in keeping their body warm during cold winter nights.

Horse Workout

Winter should not limit the amount of daily exercise your horse gets. Since weight gain directly impacts horses’ health, it is necessary to keep them active. If you belong to a region where snow falls throughout the season, it can become challenging to ride outdoors. 

You can opt-in for other strategies such as taking shorter rides or strenuous indoor workouts. Adding extra time to warm up and cool down will keep your horses fitness plan intact.

Drinking Water

Cold temperature turns water into ice, which prevents the horse from consuming the right amount of liquids during the day and could possibly lead dehydration. Drinking almost frozen water can cause colic pain and severe abdominal discomfort. 

If the problem is not addressed immediately, it can quickly become a life threatening condition. 

To make sure your horse drinks enough water during the day, it is suggested to get a heating device that is made for horse troughs. This will also save you time on heating up the water several times a day.

Don’t Shut Them Indoors

If you prefer to keep your horse outdoors during the winter, provide it with a 3-sided shelter. This will help protect your equine from wind, sleet and storms. Keep horses out during the daytime and bring them in during the night time. You must also leave the barn door open during the night to ensure your horse get enough fresh air to breathe.

Daily Grooming

Grooming and preventive care are essential during the Winter. It can help you stay alert of any injury, shoe loss, hoof cracking, weight gain or loss and other conditions that impact horse’s health. The sooner you know about a problem, the earlier you can intervene and look for ways to treat it. 

Check on your horse often and use special equine leather and skin care products to ensure the best results. As an addition to the recommended winter care tips, you may want to consider covering your horse with a blanket. Keep in mind that horse’s hair coat provides necessary insulation by trapping air. 

Thus, when its wet or full of mud, it loses its insulation value. Cover your horse with a properly fit blanket only after its hair is completely dry. By following this recommendation, your horse will stay fit and healthy throughout the year. 
