Health and First Aid
Your horse is everything to you, and his or health is one the most important parts their life and yours. As strong and as fierce as your steed is, they still need constant care.
Our wide selection of horse supplements, liniments, poultices, and wound care products can provide pain relief, and wound improvement. LV Performance has the leading brands of horse care to provide the best for you and your horses. We have you, and your horse covered, with top brands such as Bigeloil, Absorbine, Sore No-More, Finish Line and many more.
If your horse experiences any of the following seek immediate medical advice:
The injury or surrounding area seems worse
Excessive bleeding
Increased redness, swelling, or oozing (pus)
Increased pain
Stitches are torn or broken in any way
Swollen glands
Red streaks leading from the wound
Throbbing pain